On the morning of Chaitra Sud 1st, Bapashri showing his favour talked. He said, “Shriji Maharaj was playing with four Sadgurus on the east side bridge of Kankaria Lake. He would throw up in turn two sadgurus from His palms; they would go in the air and again fall in His palm. Playing thus he threw up Brahmanand Swami who fell down in the square where Gangama was cooking. Then Gangama said, “Both of us have been made to fast.” Shriji Maharaj asked, “Have you or not difference of male and female and moral deterioration?” Then she said that they were Muktas. Shriji Maharaj said, “Though you are Muktas if you touch each other purposely, you will have to fast but he has been thrown in square by Me so it is not necessary.
Once Sadguru Nirgundasji Swami asked me and Laxmirambhai, “Both of you are Muktas. I have made some saints since one month. Can I or can not walk with you as I walk with saint?” I said, “There are codes of conduct in satsang in this world, but before Shriji Maharaj this rule can be waved. Muktas are never alone. In every Mukta there are innumerable Muktas and Shriji Maharaj.” Names of those paramhansas have been given in the 52nd chapter of Bhakta Chintamani. In it every name there are group of Muni- it is said so. In Shri Muktanand Swami there are innumerable Muktas like Gopalanand Swami, Brahmanand Swami, Nityanand Swami, etc. Similarly in Gopalanand Swami there are infinite Muktas. In every Mukta there are infinite Muktas. Therefore in every name it has been said that there is group of Muni so you are not alone at all. In your Murti there are infinite Muktas and Shriji Maharaj so you are not alone, all are with you. Even then Shriji Maharaj has commanded that two saints should walk together. So only in the company of saint one can walk and even with parshad it is not allowed. If you want to go to any one’s house you can not go without the company of five saints. If you have achieved the state of Mukta and are engrossed in Shriji Maharaj’s Murti you can not go alone or with some one if you do not have the attire of saint. || 84 ||