On the morning of Vaishakh Sud 11th, 3rd Vachanamrut of Loya was being read in the assembly. In it there were names of devotees who were determined and had the knowledge of greatness.

Swami Ishwarcharandasji said, “Please tell us what these devotees had done.” Bapashri replied, “Shriji Maharaj had visited Arera village. Further he sent the message to Galuji telling him to come to Him immediately taking with him, his wealth, food grains, family members, cattle, etc. On getting the message he went at night with every thing excepting his mother who was sick- such was his obedience. Moreover Shriji Maharaj had gone to his house along with saints. During their stay there, his mother died. He kept her hanging from the roof tied in clothes for two days. He served Shriji Maharaj and saints for the two days without letting them know about sutak and he himself forgott about sutak- such was his divine love.

Then Swamiji once again asked, “Did Shriji Maharaj keep every thing which He had asked Galuji to bring?” Bapashri said, “On that night enemies were to come to Galuji’s house and wanted to rob his of everything and wanted to kill Galuji and his family members. So Shriji Maharaj had asked to bring every thing with him. At night enemies came to Galuji’s house and went back and in the morning Shriji Maharaj returned every thing to Galuji and sent him to Dadusar.” Thus Shriji Maharaj protected His devotee who was determined and having full faith. || 55 ||