On the noon of Vaishakh Vad 14th Bapashri, showing his favour talked to the assembly. He said, “The one which you have got today is an vyatirek (transcendent) Murti and on account of it ultimate liberation is done but this is not possible through the form of anvay (Immanent).”
Swami Vrundavandasji said, “Though one has faith in Muktas but is not able to know the greatness of vyatirek (transcendent) Murti. Whether or not Mukta takes him in Shriji Maharaj’s Murti?” Bapashri replied, “Those who have attached their mind to Muktas and have atmabuddhi (one’s own wisdom and intelligence is kept aside and surrendered to Mukta) are taken in the bliss of Maharaj’s Murti.”
Swami Ishwarcharandasji asked “Whether those who associate with those who have become Muktas in association with Muktas are eligible for ultimate liberation or not?” Bapashri replied, “The same type of ultimate liberation is done of those who are associated with Muktas as it is done for those who are associated with Anadi Mukta.”
Then again Swami asked, “Those who become Muktas by association of Muktas get happiness. Whether that happiness is got through Muktas or is it given by Maharaj Himself?” Then Bapashri replied, “Maharaj Himself gives happiness lured by Anadi Mukta who are sent on the earth by taking pity on souls.” || 32 ||